Thursday, November 4, 2010

MLK Syllogism Extra Credit

True Syllogism:

MLK feels strongly against how the police force treats blacks.
When a person feels extremely strongly about a cause, they want to inform others of this ugly truth.
MLK wants to inform others of the ugly truth of how the police force treats blacks.

This syllogism is true because when someone feels strongly about a cause that may even affect them directly, they want to inform others of this cause. This is how Martin Luther King Jr feels about the ugly truth of how the police force is unjust towards blacks. In his letter from Birmingham Jail, he uses horrific imagery and parallelism to get this point across to his readers and persuade them to feel the same way.

False Syllogism:

MLK feels strongly against how the police force treats blacks.
When a person feels extremely strongly about a cause, they want to inform others of this ugly truth.
All people feel strongly about this cause.

This is false because the true syllogism states that MLK feels strongly about this issue, and wants others to also, but not that they already do.

True Syllogism:

MLK is in Birmingham because injustice is there.
Injustice can be caused by segregation, racism, and discrimination.
Segregation, racism, and discrimination are in Birmingham.

This syllogism is true because MLK blatantly states that his reason for being in Birmingham is because injustice is there. Injustice, more often than not, includes segregation, racism, and discrimination, therefore, segregation, racism, and discrimination can be found in Birmingham.

False Syllogism:

MLK is in Birmingham because injustice is there.
Injustice can be caused by segregation, racism, and discrimination.
MLK is racist and discriminatory.

This syllogism is false because, although the first two premises are correct, the conclusion states something completely false. MLK is in Birmingham because injustice is there, but that does not mean he is an unjust person.

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