Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Native Son #2

"She was an odd girl, all right. He felt something in her over and above the fear she inspired in him. She responded to him as if he were human, as if he lived in the same world as she. And he had never felt that before in a white person. But why? Was this some kind of game? The guarded feeling of freedom he had while listening to her was tangled with the hard fact that she was white and rich, a part of the world of poeple who told him what he could and could not do" (Wright 65). In this quote, we see that Bigger is experiencing something completely foreign to him. Never in his life had he felt comfortable with a white person, nevermind a rich white person, until he met Miss. Dalton. She was completely different than any white person he had come in contact with before. Despite the sense of fear that her crazy and strange personality set in him, Bigger saw something deeper within Miss. Dalton. Although right now the barriers he had set against white people his whole life were keeping him from learning what this was, as this story unravels, the relationship between these two characters will only become more and more interesting.

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