Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Native Son #8

"Again the thought that he had the chance to walk out of here and be clear of it all came to him, and again he brushed it aside. He was tensely eager to stay and see how it would all end, even if that end swallowed him in blackness. He felt that he was living upon a high pinnacle where bracing winds whipped about him" (Wright 189). Bigger had never been in such a position. He had never actually had options of what to do when it came to important things, things that could change his life forever. It was exciting for him to know that he could easily just up and leave, being just as "free" as he was before and leaving this whole messy situation behind.Yet for some reason, he did not want to do this. His whole life had been basically the same routine day in and day out, and now some excitement had entered which he was not willing to leave behind. He liked the feeling of having a secret and constantly being around others whom he felt superior to, due to knowing what they were frantically trying to figure out. It made him feel more powerful than he had ever imagined and he wasn't about to leave this feeling behind, even if he was putting his life at stake by doing this.

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