Sunday, May 2, 2010

F451 Assignment #2

- What do we learn about firemen in this section? Both who the firemen are, and their history?

In this part of our reading we learn a lot about how the firemen actually feel about their job. We also learn that they all HAD to look the same in order to not come off as individual human beings to those whose stuff they were burning. When it comes to how they felt about their occupation, we learned that they actually enjoyed it and did not question their actions whatsoever. They were brought up on the fact that books should be burnt, therefore they felt a sense of accomplishment by doing so.

-Why does Clarisse not fit in at school? What is strange about the definitions she uses? Does that remind you of anything?

Clarisse doesn't seem to fit in at school simply because she is different from her classmates. She isn't the typical girl of her age and enjoys nature oriented things rather than doing what everyone else enjoys and trying to follow the other kids her age in order to fit in. She also struggles to fit in at school because of how smart beyond her years she is, which can also explain why the way she speaks is considered strange. When she speaks, it's clear that she uses her own, mature, definitions for things. We see this when she explains how she would define "social" and "anti social". Her definition of being anti social reminded me of society today and how many people act. Today, many people can believe they are extremely social when, in reality, they are too afraid to really talk to others and simply find themselves communicating through all different kinds of technology.

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