Wednesday, April 28, 2010

F451 Assignment #1

-What is revealed about the world of the novel by the things that Clarisse says about why people think she is strange?

The fact that Clarisse admits that other people view her differently and think she is strange because of how she takes the time out of her life to stop and look at nature and the things around her shows a lot about how people live in this story. She explained that many people rush through their lives and rather than stopping to see the beautiful flower beds and natural wonders of the world, they let everything simply pass by them as blurs. This makes it clear that in the world they live in, very few people acknowledge the everyday beauty around them and do not focus on examining and learning about things.

-What do we learn about Mildred and Guy's relationship by Mildred's suicide attempt?

If at any point in someone's life they attempt to commit suicide, it should become extremely clear that they are unhappy with some aspect of their life. In Mildred's case, it could very well prove that her and Guy do not have a very healthy relationship and that she is uncomfortable with his job and how it was affecting her and may other people's lives.

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