Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pride and Prejudice Letter

Dear Mr. Darcy,

I write this letter, not to continue those words I so rudely had spoken to you or with any intention of further wrongly accusing you, rather, quite the opposite. After reading your letter, which held such an air of sincerity, I have felt more than obliged to reply appropriately. It may not often be within my character to admit my wrongdoing, and I would not blame you for completely disregarding this letter, but I hope that you do pay me the attention in which I believe I still deserve.

I am glad to see that you agree with my feelings of resentment towards your action of breaking up my dear sister and your dear friend, Mr. Bingley. Though this is true, I also understand why those actions took place. To be quite honest, I very well may have done the same thing were roles reversed and my sister believed to be the one in danger of heartbreak. You may have a keen eye of the personality's of others, as I myself do, but in this case, I still believe you to be incorrect. Though this is true, I believe that you were not aiming to inflict pain on her poor heart, or mine, therefore, I apologize for my attack of your character.

When reading your response to my accusations of the Mr. Wickham situation, my heart was immediately weighed down. I see now that I judged both of your characters rather oppositely. In reality, you are the kind hearted man, and Wickham is the one whose character I have always despised. Your explanation of the situation left me with no doubts that you are the honest man in which any woman would be lucky to join in marriage, causing me to somewhat regret the response that I so naively gave to you.

It is with my greatest sincerity that I say these things, and can only hope that you are capable of accepting this apology. I was rash in blaming you for things that were not my place to blame, and I now see all the errors I have made in the relationship of ours. I believe our relationship to have had much potential for a happy future, and for that potential to still remain. Once again, I would not blame you for disregarding this letter, yet still firmly believe that we both deserve second opportunities to further the relationship that would be built on much stronger grounds now. God bless you, and I pray to learn of your response to this letter in due time.


Miss. Elizabeth Bennet

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